President of TRF4 receives Chief Prosecutor of PRR4 and Regional Prosecutor

The Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region (TRF4) confirmed the usucapion right of two farming brothers to 3.8 hectares in land that would have been registered by the Palmares Cultural Foundation as “remnant lands of quilombos”. The area is located in Lomba Alta, in Restinga Seca (RS).

According to the unanimous decision of the 4th Panel, both the Federal Public Ministry and the quilombola community Vovô Geraldo, who represent the quilombolas, are not opposed to the plaintiffs' intention.

Farmers have been on the property for more than 30 years, in peaceful and calm ownership, and the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra) reportedly denied compensation for not having public title to the land. 

The 1st Federal Court of Santo Ângelo (RS) upheld the case, and the Union and Incra appealed to the court. In addition to upholding the impossibility of adverse possession because it is land in the public domain, they appealed against the conviction of losing fees to the Federal Public Defender's Office (DPU), the plaintiffs' representative.

The rapporteur of the case, federal judge Luís Alberto d'Azevedo Aurvalle, stressed that the property was not linked to a public purpose, and could suffer adverse possession. As for the claim that they would be quilombola lands, he highlighted that the community itself agrees with the authors' rights.

"The community representatives themselves do not oppose the claim of usucapion of the area object of this dispute, in such a way that the decision taken in the first instance is in tune with the interests of the quilombola community, recognizing the self-determination of the communities in question so that delimit their interests”, affirmed Aurvalle. 

How much hgh cycle for women info fees, the judge confirmed that they are a right of the DPU when it acts as attorney for the winning party in an action filed against the Union and its authorities.


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